8 ENSetting the humiditylevel1 Touch the humidity buttonrepeatedly to set the desired airhumidity to 40%, 50% or 60%(fig. u).Note• When the humidity level " " ischosen, the humidity light ring willbe off. The appliance will keephumidifying the room until theambient humidity level reaches70%RH.• In the auto mode, the appliance willoperate under fan speed 1 when thetarget humidity level is reached. Inthe manual fan speed mode, theappliance will continue to operateunder the chosen fan speed.• When the target humidity level isreached, the wick wheel will stoprotating. It will start rotating againwhen the humidity drops below thetarget level.• If you want to increase the humiditylevel quickly, you can select ahigher fan speed.• For HU5931, the air humidity lightring indicates whether the targethumidity level is reached. It lightsup blue when the humidity level isreached and red when the ambienthumidity is below the preset setting.Changing the fan speedAuto ( )In auto mode, the appliance selectsthe fan speed in accordance with theambient air humidity.1 Touch the fan speed button toselect auto ( ) (fig. v).Manual1 Touch the fan speed buttonrepeatedly to select the desired fanspeed (1, 2, 3 or 4) (fig. w).Note• Fan speed 4 is available for HU5931only.Setting the timerWith the timer, you can let theappliance operate for a set number ofhours. When the set time has elapsed,the appliance will automatically switchoff.1 Touch the timer buttonrepeatedly to choose the numberof hours you want the appliance tooperate (fig. x).» The timer is available from 1 to8 hours.To deactivate the timer function, touchthe timer button repeatedly untildisplays on the screen (fig. y).