How to wearSelect suitable ear tips for optimum �tA tight, secure �t will provide the bestsound quality and noise-cancellation.Pair the earpieces withyour Bluetooth device forthe �rst timeTest which ear tips provide you withthe best sound and wearing comfort.3 sizes of silicone ear tips areprovided : large, medium, small.L M S12Check left or right orientation of theearpieces.Insert the earpieces into the earsand twist slightly until a secure �t isachieved.Insert the earpiecesThe LEDs on both earpieces �ashwhite and blue alternatelyThe earpieces are now in pairingmode and are ready to pair with aBluetooth device(e.g. a mobile phone)7 EN1212Make sure that the earpieces are fullycharged and powered off.Open the cover of the charging box,the earpieces will be in pairing modeand ready to connect.The following example shows youhow to pair the earpieces with yourBluetooth device.Turn on the Bluetooth function ofyour Bluetooth device, selectPhilips TAT1209.1Turn on the Bluetooth function ofyour Bluetooth device.Pair the earpieces with yourBluetooth device, refer to the usermanual of your Bluetooth device. After powering on, if the earpieces can not �ndany previously connected Bluetooth device,please put them into pairing mode (press buttonon box for 3 seconds with both earpieces insideand the cover open).Note34