267. Troubleshooting & FAQs• Open 'Advanced Properties' and setthe Refresh Rate to 60 Hz, then clickOK.• Restart your computer and repeatstep 2 and 3 to verify that your PC isset at 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz.• Shut down your computer,disconnect your old monitor andreconnect your Philips LCD monitor.• Turn on your monitor and then turnon your PC.Q2: What is the recommended refreshrate for LCD monitor?Ans.: Recommended refresh rate in LCDmonitors is 60 Hz, In case of anydisturbance on screen, you can setit up to 75 Hz to see if that removesthe disturbance.Q3: What are the .inf and .icm fileson the CD-ROM? How do I installthe drivers (.inf and .icm)?Ans.: These are the driver files for yourmonitor. Follow the instructionsin your user manual to install thedrivers. Your computer may askyou for monitor drivers (.inf and.icm files) or a driver disk whenyou first install your monitor.Follow the instructions toinsert the companion CD-ROMincluded in this package. Monitordrivers (.inf and .icm files) will beinstalled automatically.Q4: How do I adjust the resolution?Ans.: Your video card/graphic driverand monitor together determinethe available resolutions. You canselect the desired resolution underWindows® Control Panel with the"Display properties".Q5: What if I get lost when I am makingmonitor adjustments via OSD?Ans.: Simply press the OK button, thenselect 'Reset' to recall all of theoriginal factory settings.Q6: Is the LCD screen resistant toscratches?Ans.: In general it is recommendedthat the panel surface is notsubjected to excessive shocksand is protected from sharp orblunt objects. When handling themonitor, make sure that there isno pressure or force applied to thepanel surface side. This may affectyour warranty conditions.Q7: How should I clean the LCDsurface?Ans.: For normal cleaning, use a clean,soft cloth. For extensive cleaning,please use isopropyl alcohol. Donot use other solvents such asethyl alcohol, ethanol, acetone,hexane, etc.Q8: Can I change the color setting ofmy monitor?Ans.: Yes, you can change your colorsetting through OSD control as thefollowing procedures,• Press "OK" to show the OSD (OnScreen Display) menu• Press "Down Arrow" to select theoption "Color" then press "OK" toenter color setting, there are threesettings as below.1. Color Temperature; The settingsare 6500K, 7500K and 9300K.With settings in the 6500K rangethe panel appears "warm, witha red-white color tone", while a9300K temperature yields "cool,bluewhite toning".2. sRGB; this is a standard settingfor ensuring correct exchange ofcolors between different device(e.g. digital cameras, monitors,printers, scanners, etc)