QSDF8204 Digital Video Recorder User Manual46DISK MANAGEMENTDisplays the information of the hard disk.FIRMWARE UPDATEDVR firmware can be updated remotely through Network Client software.STEP1 Select the path to the updating file.STEP2 Click "Start" button, the updating progress bar will appear. TheUpdate dialog box is shown as Fig 4.18 Firmware Update.Fig 4.18 Firmware UpdateSTEP3 After finishing the update, the DVR needs to reboot to run the newfirmware.LOAD DEFAULTLoad default setup.SYSTEM INFORMATIONThis displays the information of the DVR, such as firmware version, DVRname, MAC address and so on.SYSTEM LOGThis displays the information about operating information on the DVR.4.5 Remote PTZPARAMETERSBefore operating Remote PTZ, you need to set the PTZ configuration. ThePTZ Configuration window is shown as Fig 4.19 PTZ Configuration.Fig 4.19 PTZ Configuration