October 14, 2013 7075-208 19VOYAGEUR GRANDBaffle & BlanketOptional BlowerChimney SystemFirebrick & Ash RemovalDoor & Glass AssembliesDoor HandleFrequencyMONTHLYorAfter EveryCord of WoodBaffle and blanket placement is critical toheat output, efficiency and overall life ofthe unit. Make sure the baffle is pushed allof the way to the back of the firebox andthe blanket is laying flat. Inspect baffle forcracks.YEARLYorAfter Every4 Cords ofWoodVacuum the blower impellers.EVERY 2MONTHSorAfter Every4 Cords ofWoodThe chimney and chimney cap must be in-spected for soot and creosote every twomonths during the burn season or morefrequency if chimney exceeds or is under 14-16 ft (4.3m-4.8m) measured from bottom ofappliance.This will prevent pipe blockage, poor draft,and chimney fires.Always burn dry wood to help prevent capblockage and creosote build-up.WEEKLYorAfter Every25 Loads ofWoodWEEKLYorAfter Every25 Loads ofWoodKeep door and glass gasket in good shapeto maintain good burn times on a low burnsetting. To test: place a dollar bill between thestove and door and then shut the door. If youcan pull the dollar out, remove one washerfrom door handle behind latch cam and tryagain. If you can still pull it out, replace thedoor gasket.Check the glass frame for loose screws toprevent air leakage. Check glass for cracks.WEEKLYorAfter Every 25Loads of WoodCheck the door latch for proper adjustment.This is very important especially after the doorrope has formed to the stove face.Check door handle for smooth cam operation.TaskCAUTION! Allow the appliance to completely cooldown before performing any cleaning or maintenance.Start the first inspection after the first 2 months of use, or ifperformance changes, and adjust your schedule according-ly. Maintenance is required for safe operation and must beperformed to maintain your warranty.G. Quick Reference Maintenance GuideBaffleBlanketLocknutDoor Cross Section(example)Latch CamSpacingWashersSquare KeyDoor HandleSpringHandleAshes must be cool before you can disposeof the ashes in a non-combustible container.Firebrick is designed to protect your firebox.After ashes are removed, inspect the fire-brick and replace firebricks that are crum-bling, cracked or broken.