R A M S E T z R A M S E T z R A M S E TR A M S E T z R A M S E T z R A M S E T- 9 -DIP SWITCH B5: “LAG DELAY”Lag on CloseOne second lag on closeDIP SWITCH B6: “LAG MODE”Lag on OpenOne second lag on openDIP SWITCH B7: “REVERSE LOGIC”DIP FUNCTION‘off’ Left hand operation – standard installation‘on’ Right hand installations – Reverses motor & limit switcheswithout having to move any wires.DIP SWITCH B8: “SLAVE MODE”Master/slaveDIP FUNCTION‘off’ Master mode – single gate operation. All peripheral devicesare to be connected to the master operator.‘on’ Slave mode – used to synchronize operation between twogates. Commands are received from the master through a3-wire, shielded cable.TERMINAL STRIP CONNECTIONSCONTROL INPUT DESCRIPTIONSAC Hot & Neutral – 110 or 220 VAC to power the operator.Voltage is predetermined at factory and cannot be changedby the installer or technician.Close – Closes the gate. Used with three button stations orpushbuttons. Becomes active with a closed contact to com-mon.Exit – Opens the gate. Used with loop detectors, photoeyes, keypads, phone entry systems, three-button sta-tions…etc. Becomes active with a closed contact to com-mon.Firebox/SOS – Opens the gate. Used with fire dept. keyswitches & controls. Becomes active with a closed contactto common, maintained or momentary depending on dipswitch B2 (see “dip switch features”).Stop – Stops the operator from moving. To be used as anon-contact sensor such as a photo-beam, edge connectoror a three-button station. Becomes active with an open con-tact to common when dip switch A7 is in the ‘on’ position(see “dip switch features”).Radio – Operation depends on dip switch B3 (see “dipswitch features”). Used with an RF receiver or pushbutton.Becomes active with a closed contact to common.SAFETY INPUT DESCRIPTIONLimit 1 & Limit 2 – Depending on dip switch B7 (see “dipswitch features”), stops the motor from moving in one direc-tion. These wires are preset in factory and should not bemoved. Becomes active with a closed contact to common.Phantom – Keeps the gate open when the open limit switch(A or B) is activated. Used with loop detectors. Becomesactive with a closed contact to common.Rev Loop – Stops the gate from closing. If the gate is open,it holds the gate open. If the gate is closing, it stops andreopens the gate. If the gate is closed, the gate will remainclosed. The function can be altered with dip switch B4 (see“dip switch features”). Used with loop detectors, photo eyes,safety edges…etc. Becomes active with a closed contact tocommon.OUTPUTSMag (+) & Mag (- )Supplies 24VDC to a magnetic lock when gate is closed. Ifgate is not closed then no power is supplied. Leave open ifnot used.Motor 1 & Motor 2 – Supplies power to the motor. Directiondepends on dip switch B7 (see “dip switch features”). Thesewires are preset and connected in the factory and should notbe moved.24V Rect. – Provides a rectified 24VDC for peripheralaccessories.Solenoid – Sends 110 VAC to a solenoid or other mechani-cal lock. Leave open if not used.OTHER CONNECTIONSContact Closure Relay OutputsThree separate isolated form-C relay outputs are provided.Each relays contact is rated at 125VAC, 2 amps.1. Alarm – When ERD is triggered twice, before reaching afully closed or fully opened position, 24VDC is suppliedfor 6 minutes and the control board will not accept anycommands. After the 6 minutes the 24VDC is removedand the board resets to normal operation.2. Triggers relay when gate is fully opened. Used with indi-cator lights, buzzers, beepers, misc. voltage magneticlocks…etc.3. Triggers relay when gate is fully closed. Used with indi-cator lights, buzzers, beepers, misc. voltage magneticlocks…etc.Note: if both B5 &B6 are 'on', therewill be NO lag onthe open or close.