SERIES 8800 & 8900 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Page 27NORMAL(HARD FLAME)LIFTING(TOO MUCH AIR)YELLOW TIPPING(MARGINAL)YELLOW FLAME(TOO LITTLE AIR)RIOM-499. The outside surfaces of the copper tubes should befree of any soot deposits. A slight black smudge isnormal with some types of gases. Black sootindicates poor combustion. Green deposits indicatecondensation due to low return water temperatures.In either case the heat exchanger must be cleanedthoroughly with water and the problem resolvedbefore the boiler/water heater is returned to service.10. Replace the cleaned heat exchanger and othercomponents in the reverse order of their removal.11. The torque values for the bolts that secure theremovable headers are 17-20 ft lbs. Once bolts havebeen started and secured the tightening sequenceis as follows:1) Middle Top2) Middle Bottom3) Right Top4) Left Bottom5) Left Top6) Right BottomHeat Exchanger Replacement1. Sagging or distorted heat exchanger tubes are anindication of low water fl ow through the system.2. A damaged heat exchanger must be replaced andthe condition that caused the damage resolvedbefore the boiler/water heater is returned to service.Vent SystemThoroughly inspect the vent system for any signs ofblockage, corrosion or leakage. Immediately replace anyunsound vent system piping.ControlsUse the “GENERAL OPERATION” and “CHECKINGAND ADJUSTMENTS” sections of this manual forreference.1. Check the thermostat or operating controls forproper operation.2. A float type low water cutoff device must be flushedout per the manufacturers’ instructions. The probeon a probe low water cut off must be removed,cleaned and inspected at least once a year. Ensurethat the low water cutoff operate properly. If not,replace them.3. The fl ow switch contacts must be open when waterfl ow is not present.4. The relief valve should not weep or dischargewater at normal system pressure. If it does contacta qualifi ed service technician to have it inspected.NEVER try to clean or repair the relief valve! If thevalve fails to operate properly, have it replaced!5. The aquastat high limit controls the maximumwater temperature in the boiler and should be 20°F,11°C above set point temperature. If the watertemperature reaches the set temperature beforethe demand for heat has been met, the aquastathigh limit should shut the boiler off. The watertemperature should never exceed the maximumset point of 240°F, 116 °C. The aquastat high limitcannot be repaired. If it fails to function properly,replace it.6. Visually check the pilot and main burner fl ames toensure proper operation, see Figures 13 & 14.WARNING: A yellow, floating flame indicates alack of combustion air. A lifting flame indicatestoo much combustion air. Do not operate theboiler/water heater until the problem is solvedor severe personal injury or death may occur!Figure 14 - Main Burner Flames