18 | Quick Start Aviation Terms14. QUICK START AVIATION TERMS14.1 Rudder> RUDDER denotes the rotation of the »Xtreme around the rudder axis (vertical axis).This movement either occurs unintentionally due to the speed torque of the propellersor intentionally as a flight direction change.> For the »Xtreme, this movement is not controlled by a tail propeller, but through speedvariation of the individual propellers. The two red propellers show FRONT.14.2 Elevator> ELEVATOR denotes the movement around the cross axis which can be compared tothe nodding of a head.> Through this, the »Xtreme gains flight speed forwards or backwards or decelerates.14.3 Aileron> AILERON denotes the movement around the centre line which can be compared tothe sideways rolling of a ball (or the sideways crawl of a crab). In this way, through liftingone side the »Xtreme moves to the side independently of its forward direction.> The two red propellers show FRONT.14.4 HoverHOVER denotes a flight status in which the »Xtreme neither rises nor falls so that theupwards directed uplift force is equal to the downwards directed weight.14.5 Altitude height hold> ALTITUDE HEIGHT HOLD is a product feature of the »Xtreme. Altitude height holdcan be set via the transmitter. Once activated the »Xtreme will hold the altitude at whichaltitude height hold was activated.> You may refer to chapter “18.7 Altitude height hold function” on page 50 for moreinformation.14.6 Mode 1, Mode 2> MODE 1 and MODE 2 refer to the stick arrangement and their functions of theprovided stock transmitter.> Please refer to chapter “16. Transmitter” on page 22 for more information.14.7 Binding> BINDING refers to the pairing of transmitter and receiver (built into the »Xtreme). Oncetransmitter and receiver are bound, signal transmission can take place.> To correctly bind the »Xtreme refer to section “16.1.3 Binding” on page 26.