No picture, no sound but TV is on- Maybe tile S_*zal 7]_I)_"is set wrong. Go to [)age 11 for more instructions.• You *nay hav_' the wrong video input channel selected. Use tile ANTENNA button to toggle through tile availablevideo input channels.Sound okay, picture poor (analog channeJs only)• Ch_'ck ant('nna connoctions. MaM, suro all of thc, cabk,s are firmly conn_'ctc'd to thc' jacks.• Try adjusting sharpness to improve weak signals. Go to [)age 27 for inoru instructions.BJackbox appears on the screen• Closed caption might b(' on. Check (_7()s_,d(k#)/io_ in the' ,ST:'TII"m_'nu. Go to page 29 for n_or(' instructions.The Remote Control Doesn't Work,, Son_ething inight be between tile remote and tile remote sc,nsor on tile device. Make surc' there is a clear path andpoint directly at tile TV.- Maybe batteries in the remote are weak, dead or installed incorrectly. Put new batteries in the remote.Problems with Parental ControlsCan't seJect a certain channel,, Tile channel may be Mocked or not approved through I'ARIJ_THL (_).\7"ROL _ST_TTL\C;A'.The rating limits don't work® You must activate, thc' sottings. Go to pagc' 18 for instructions.I don't remember my password and I want to unlock the TV® If you forg_'t your password, you can rc's_'t it. MaM, surc' the' TV is ofL Sin_ultan_,ous]y prc,ss and hold V()L- onthe T\."s front panel and CLEAR on tile remote for approximately 5 seconds. Enter a new passwor(I next time youaccess the I'AI_£1\7_AL (,r().\7]_OL inenu.The Parental Controls won't let me watch a program even though it's not rated as violent• Maybe' the' Inovk' was giv_'n an NR (Not Ratc'd) status. Ch_'ck to s(,o if thc' !Lx'urn/)/I'l_1_.s option is Lockc'(I. R_,fbr to[)age 22 for instructions.Connection Problems with a DVD Player. Set-top Box etc.• If the ck'vice you're connected to has "progressive, sc_n' _1_c/you _ren't receiving a picture using a component(Y Pb Pr) connection, you need to change the setting from progressive to interlace. The procedure for changingthis varies. Look for a button on tile fiont of the device (it might be called resolution or display), or see if thereis a switch on tile back (it inight be labeled "intiprog" or solnething silnilar), or tile iteln inight be in tile menusystem. Consult the user"s guide for instructions.What Else Can I Do_• If you'v(' b('('n through th(' Troub]('shooting soction and nothing has flx('d your problc'ln, try rcqgooting your T\/.Note that after a reboot you may need to run your TV through tile setup process again. To do a reboot, unplugthe power cor(I fron_ the wall outlet, power strip, etc. Keep your TV unplugged for about 5 ininutes. Then plugthe TV back in, turn on tile TV, and see if tile problen_ is fixed. If tile problen_ relnains, then please visit www.rca.com_te]evision for update(I FAQs or contact RCA Custolner Support at the support number provided in your\\."urranty un(ler How To Get Service.How Do I Replace My Remote• If you need to replace your relnote, ca]] 1-800-338-0376. A shipping and handling rue will 10e charged uponordering, and the appropriate sales tax. Have your Visa, MasturCard or I)iscover Card read> Your relnote partnumber is R130C1.