Front Panel LockSelect this option to block or unblock the TV’s side panel buttons so that they can’t be used.Source LockThis option allows you to lock or unlock the input source. The source blocked can not bechosen from input list unless you input the correct parental password.Clear Channel ListThis option allows you to execute Clear Channel List function.This function will reset the whole TV system to factory default (not only reset OSD menu).Source LockAVComponent 1Component 2HDMI 1:Select :On/Off:Page ENTER:ReturnMENUHDMI 2HDMI 3TVPage 1/2Use up/down arrowto select the source,press ENTER tolock or unlock it.Change PasswordChange the password of parental menu.Input the old password.Change PasswordNew PINConfirm:PasswordDIGITAL:ReturnMENUOld PINInput the new password.Input the new password again to confirm.OSD Menu Operations28