10Button Descriptions for DVD ModeIn addition to operating your DVD Player, the remote that came with it will operate most RCA,GE, and Proscan TVs and VCRs. However, this page only describes the buttons on the remote thatyou will use with your DVD Player.For descriptions of remote control buttons to be used with your TV and VCR (RCA, GE, andProscan only), go to the next page.Chapter 2 The Remote ControlDVD function buttons listed alphabeticallyAdvances to the next/preceding chapter or track.0-9 Use to input information such as chapternumbers, track numbers, or to make selections onsome menu screens.AGAIN Quick reverse - replays the last several seconds ofa DVD movie.ANGLE Accesses the Camera Angle icon of DVD disc InfoDisplay. Also used to rotate JPEG files 90°.AUDIO Accesses the Audio icon in the Info Display thatenables you to play a disc in a different language.CH+/- Advances to the next/preceding chapter or track.CLEAR Removes on-screen menus and displays.DVD Puts the remote in DVD mode so it operates theDVD player.FORWARD Searches forward through the disc.INFO Displays the on-screen Info Display when playingdiscs.MENU When playing a disc, displays the disc’s menu.ON•OFF Turns DVD player on and off.OK Selects the setting or menu that is highlighted.OPEN•CLOSE Opens and closes disc tray.PAUSE Pauses disc play.With DVD discs, press two timesto search frame by frame.PLAY Begins disc play.PLAY MODE Accesses Play Mode icon in the Info Display.RETURN Goes back to the previous menu.REVERSE Searches backward through the disc.STOP Stops playback. Press and hold to open and closethe disc tray. In order to see the DVD Playermenu, press the STOP button.SUBTITLE Accesses the Subtitle icon in the Info Display.TITLE Accesses the DVD disc guide (if available).ZOOM Enlarges the picture on the screen (DVD,VCD,and JPEG only).O N • O F FM U T EG O B A C KR E T U R NI N P U T P L A Y M O D ET V • V C R1 2 34 5 67 809V O L C HV C R T VD V DM E N UC L E A RI N F OA N G L ET I T LEG U I D EA U DI OL O C KS U B T I T LET I M E RR E V E R S E P L A Y F O R W A R DP A U S ES T O PR E C O R DA G A I NS PE EDOP EN• C LOS EZ O OMS E A R C H