Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only.60Chapter 6: Additional InformationCopying content from a DVD+R or DVD+RW disc to a VCR videocassetteThe following instructions are provided for a general connection in case you might want to copy content from a disc you recorded to a VCR videocassette.The back of yourTV and VCR probably don’t exactly match the ones shown here. In general, you just need to connect the DVD recorder’s Output jacks to the VCR’s Input Jacks. Also, youneed to be able to see what your copying, so the TV needs to be connected.1. Connect the DVD recorder to the VCR. Connect a set of audio/video cables to the DVD recorder’s OUTPUT VIDEO (yellow),AUDIO L (white), and AUDIO R (red)jacks, to the VCR’s Input Jacks (sometimes labeled VIDEO and AUDIO L and R).2. Connect the VCR to the TV. Connect an RF coaxial cable to the OUT TO TV jack on the VCR and to the IN FROM CABLE/ANTENNA jack on the TV.3. Make sure all of the components (TV,VCR, and DVD recorder) are plugged into working power outlets.4. Turn on all of the components.5. Tune the TV to channel 3 or 4 (depending on the whether the VCR’s 3/4 switch is set to 3 or 4) because the VCR is connected to the TV with an RF Coaxial Cable.6. Change the channel on the VCR to its Video Input Channel (sometimes called LINE or LINE INPUT) because the DVD recorder is connected to the VCR’s INPUT jacks.7. Insert the DVD+R or DVD+RW disc you want to copy to a videocassette into the DVD recorder.8. Insert a working videocassette tape into the VCR.9. Press the RECORD button on the VCR.10. Start playback on DVD recorder.OPTICALONOFFOUTPUTLRPROG.SCANAUDIOOUTININPUTCABLE/ANTENNACH4CH3AC INDIGITALAUDIO OUTINPUT S-VIDEOVIDEOOUTPUTYPbPrCOMPONENT VIDEO OUTLRAUDIOVIDEOHDMI OUTVIDEOLRINPUTOUTPUTOUT TO TVIN FROM ANTENNA13VIDEO L RINPUT1INPUT2S-VIDEOS-VIDEOCABLE/ANTENNA2DVD RecorderVCRTVNote: Copy-protected content, suchas pre-recorded DVD titles, cannotbe recorded, copied, or duplicated.