Quick Guide to Your TVMenu BasicsGeneral information about usifig the on-screen menu system is shownbelow. Details on using the remote buttons are on pages 6-7. Many menu itemsare explained in detailin Using the Advanced Features starting on page 20.ColorsYellow Green LightBlueJ lControls Alarm AdWhitel Press MENU,PROG repeatedly tosee each of the four menu colors.Each menu has a different dolorbackground as shown at the left.Menu ButtonsThese buttons are used with theTV's menus to adjust'the features.You can use the menu buttons onthe remote or the front of the TV._.....-.--------.T_q --gD<_ F;.5'O 20 'O4 0 5 0 60'O sO 'O"_ °O "_"Moving through the Menus.3ontrols Alarm Adjust._ontrols Alarm Ad1. Press MENU°PROG on theremote or MENU on the frontpanel k_ move from menu tomenu.2. Press MOVE Ai'v on theremote or CHANNELup/down on the front panel tomove up and down throughthe features in the menu.3. PressMOVE < and _ ontheremote or VOLUME +/- on thefront panel to move left andright on the menu lines.