Menus and FeaturesChannel1 Signal Type ANTENNA2 Auto Channel Search3 L_sts and Labels0 Ex,tThe Channel menuL_sts and LabelsChar_ ghan Scan# Label List16 NBO YESPress MENU to exitThe Listsand LabelsscreenTipYou can always press MENU to exttback to the previous screenThe Channel MenuThe ChJnlleJ J11£'nLl (_(111[ai11-, ,ill the €.()i11111a[ld% LINC(.I [() [()ntltJJ '_()LIIO]a[ine],,, in(_Ju(hn,4 _Ll_toln-hllL[dm[d "_OLir chAnnt'J hhtSignalType Ill,play, a [o qg[e that let. v()Li .elect the eLI|It'll[ .mt_:nna t,,peAntenna (hoo_e [hl'_ I]" V()LL ,ilL" LLlltt'ntJ'_ IL,II]_ an <)[]-dll an[cqlna |orUHF \'HF ]_' ',lgnalsCable TV Choose till-, It _()LIate Cl]rrclltlx Ut,tng cahlc ol a uahlc boxfor TX' sign.if-,Az_to ChannelSearch Selecting th[. option tell, the TV to ._carautomattcal]}, tot all tile ch.mnel _, a_ a11al_le througla the antenna mpLaWhen the TV finds ,in a(_tl\'e chann(q, _t plJce,, it tn the (.hanncl [l,tInactive channel_ (Weak .stations or channc]._ _,lth n() slgna[ at Jill \_tll heremo_,ed f1"onl tile chanl]e[ fist grill nlJv lntCltLIpt tills ploces', b\ [)te'-slngthe bIENU button )Lists and Labels Display,> a co[tQ_4 panel that let, _ou €.Lit,tt)n/-httlld _,()tilchannel scan h_t and choo._e a |our-chat.t(_ter lahel for ea_h ch.lnnel Ll_ethe VOL + - huttons to mo_e left and right hetx_cen he[ds, L].-e the CH '_button', tit lno\c tip and down enter -,erring,, ai',d create Idhel., Pie-,,, ,MENUto exitChamtel Number U._e the CH,, v buttoll.b to .LtoIl [hroug[l thechannel bcatl hst 'I_)LI can al-,o enter the chdnne] nlln_her dtlecth ublngthe number bL]ttor_sChannelLabels Use the CH^ v I)tltto[1., to enter a tOUll-chatacte[ labelfor each channelScan List OnlY,' the chanrtels mclude(I in the h-,t ale .ix a]lablcwhen ;ou scan tip ancl dov, n using the CH _, x buttona ['se them toroche_ate whether the dlannel ntlnlhct indtLJtec[ i-, m(Au(_[ed lYE',) oi isnot included (NO| in the channel scan h_,t6