Audio AmplifierAudioNideoCables*(such as RCA AH069G) "-_.._)- .. @ Back of TV. OO7 L_tCr ou'rIf'.your stereo amplifier is not part of a "system" that has itsown remote, connect it to the TV as shown here. If the stereoamplifier is-part of a system that has its own remote, you maychoose to connect it to the TV as shown below using theSELECT OUT jacks.With the connection shown here, you'll be able to change andmute volume with the TV's remote control. You'll also be ableto remotely control bass and treble functions.Connection:Connect the "L" and "R" HI FI OUT jacks to the correspondinginput jacks on the stereo amplifier (such as AUX, TUNER, or CD).Do not use the PHONO inputs. If your a[nplifier is not stereo(mono), connect it to the TV's R/MONO jack. Consult theamplifier's owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommendedhookup.Operation:If desired, turn off TV's internal speakers as described on page 161Adjust the amplifier for normal listening. Then control sound withthe VOLUME and MUTE buttons on the TV's remote.Audio Cassette Recorder or AmplifierBack of TVtmo@_-m4q otrr &_.zcqr otrrN, ur_- I,_u,_,, .,,, ,,^' ;'4;o^_:'4e" CASSETTERECORDEROR AMPLIFIER(such as RCA #AH069G) (STEREO)If your stereo amplifier is part of a "system" that has its ownretaote control, Connect it to the SELECT OUT jacks asshownhere. The "fixed level" audio signal present at these jacks is alsoideal for connecting an audio cassette recorder to record audiofrom the TV. This constant audio signal is not affected bypressing the VOLUME buttons on the TV's front panel or theTV's remote control.ConnectiOll"Connect SELECT OUT"L" and "R" to the correspondinginputjacks on the stereo amplifier or audio cassette recorder.If your amplifier is not stereo (mono), connect it to the "IV'sR/MONOjack. Consult the equipment's owner's manual for themanufacturer's recommended hookup.Operation:Select a "IV channel and turn down the sound on the TV, or turnoff TV's internal speakers. Adjust sound with controls Ontheamplifier or cassette recorder. If the amplifier or cassetie recorderis part of a "system" Lhathas its own remote, use the system'sremote to adjustsonnd.* Optional accessories are available from most RCA dealers or electronics supply stores.41