SORT MENU ACTION BUTTONSWhen viewing the r_s_lts of a Sort the follcwing Action huttcss will app_z" cm the bar-:Watch Press 1 Cn the reTote to plac_ a timer in the Scheme for the _V to ttmql cnand tune to the procjram highlighted in the ChaNnel listing. When the TV turns cn theGuide will aut_tically appear with the scheaied p_ highlighted and tuned inthe View window.• Record Press 3 cn the remmte to place a timer in the Schedule for the VCR to recordthe p_ highlighted in the £hm_mel listinj. If you have a cable bsx, c_nginjchannels cn the TV will not cause the cable hex channel to change @ile recording.The Programinformationwindowwilldisplaya co_-_irmaticn_k_enyou havesuccessfullycreateda timertowatchor record.If youhaveselectedtwoprogramstowatchor record_nichbeginat thesam_timeoroverlap,youwillreceivea timerconflictin£ssage.7heGuidewillnot sc_hedulea cc_lictingti_r, thereforeyounmstchose betweenthetwoprcgra_.SCHEDULE7he ScheduleM_rmletsyou createtimersforeither"viewingor recordingprograms.TheGUIDE Plus+Goldsystemallowso_e-butt_ recordingif you havec_Pmectedthe IRcontrollerto ysurVCR.SeetheSetupandGcrmectionssectionof yot_-TV'sInstructicn_31 for mmredetails cn ccrmectin_ the IR controller.To schedule a program to wat@h or record:• Press GUIDE to bring up the GUIDE Plus+ Gold system.• Highlight a program within the C_mn_el listing.• Select Watch or Record f rc_l the Action hattcs_ baz". The timsr is then autocraticallylogged into the Schedule memu. The program information window will sho_ccrfirm_ticn of yoar selection.• If you select Record, [_mke sure to place a blank tape in the V£R.The Pr_gr_n information window will display a c_nfirm_tiQn vk_en you have successfullycreated a timgr to watch or record. If you have selected two p_ to watch or record_nich begin at the s_ time or overlap, you will receive a timer conflict i_Tessage. TheGuide will not sc_hedule a cc#_licting timer, therefore you mdst chose hetween the twoprogra_.TO r_r_veor 'changethe frequencyof a s_ed event,accesstheS@heduleMenu frc_i_the_mu ba_-.• Press GUIDE to bring up the GUIDE Plus+ Gold system.• Press M_NU to highlight the _nu bar.• Use the ri_ and left arrows to hi_31i_ Schgtie.• Use the up and down arrrm_ to highlight the program you want to edit.SCHEDULE MENU ACTION BUTTONSWhen viewing the Schedule lr_n_ the following Action buttons will appear- on the bar:Remove Hi_ight theWat@h or Recordti_erycuwish to remmvefrc_i_theschedule&ndpress i on ther_7ote.Change HighlighttheWatchor Recordtimeryou wishto chargeandpress 3 on ther_]_teto togglethefrequencyhetweenthe followingchoices:DAILY recordsthe sameprogrameachday 5tmdaythroughFriday.ONCE r_c_rdecrlycnthatday.WEEKLY recordsthe programeachweekat the sametim_.7