INPUT ANTENNASKIPPREV CHREC STOP PAUSEPLAYREW FFCLEAR RESETMOVEMENUPROG•MUTEDISPLAY1 2 34 5 67 8 90POWERVCR1SAT•CABLETVVCR2•LDAUDIOCHANCHANVOLVOLINPUT ANTENNASKIPPREV CHREC STOP PAUSEPLAYREW FFCLEAR RESETMOVEMENUPROG•MUTEDISPLAY1 2 34 5 67 8 90POWERVCR1SAT•CABLETVVCR2•LDAUDIOCHANCHANVOLVOLQuick Guide to Your TVBasic Tour of the Remote4Turns the TV on.Sets the remote to control the TV.Operates TV when remote is set tocontrol the TV.Operates the TV and advancedfeatures.TV Power ButtonVolume and Channel ControlsDetails are on page 6.Basic information about your remote is shown below. This will give you ageneral idea of how your remote works. For more details, see pages 6–15.Controls components such as aVCR, laserdisc player, audioequipment, satellite receiver and acable box.Changes the menus and featureson the screen.Component ButtonsDetails are on pages 8–15.Menu ButtonsSee next page for details.