Playing DVDs 29Playing Karaoke Discs2. Use the MOVE arrows to highlight an existing marker.3. Press CLEAR to delete the highlighted marker.Note:• Turning off the power or opening the disc tray will erasethe marks.Playing Karaoke DiscsUse the AUDIO button and the MOVE arrows to change boththe audio language and the audio output of a karaoke disc.1. Press the AUDIO button on the remote.2. Use the MOVE up or down arrow on the remote to changethe audio language (if necessary).3. Use the MOVE left or right arrow on the remote to turn onor turn off the voice output.Note:• This feature is DVD dependent, and its operation may varyfrom DVD to DVD.Changing Songs on a KaraokeDiscEach song on a karaoke disc is theequivalent of a title, so you may not beable to skip an entire song by pressingthe SKIP buttons only once.2INPUT MARKER•ANTPLAY MODEINFOMUTE REPEATRECORD PAUSESTOPPLAYVCR AUXREVERSE FORWARDRETURN SELECTCLEARSETUPGUIDEANGLEAUDIOSUBTITLEMOVE315 648097CH+CH–POWERDVDSATTVVOLVOLSUBTITLEMENUON/OFFMoveArrowbuttonsAudiobuttonClearbutton