Connections SetupExplanation of JacksThis section describes the jacks you can use to make connections. There are several ways to connect components to your TV/DVD.GJPB PR L/MOeO R )COMPONENTINPUTSCOMPOSITEINPUTSv t._ONO R JAUDIONIDEOOLITPUT_ _FIXEDAUDIOAUDIOSUBWOOFER L RRIG P,T LEFTEXTERMAL SPEAKERSDIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT Lets you connect a Dolby Digital receiver to your 1V/DUD, if your receiver has anoptical input. Use an optical cable (or SPDIF cable) to connect your TV/DVD to the receiver for theatre-qualitysound. Go to page 30 for more information on digital audio.Noto:This ?V/DVD'sOPTICALDIGITALOUTjack fully complieswith theint_rna done/standard governing this type of jack(IEC958),end is designedfor connection to e DolhyDigital [AC-3_orPCM)receiveror Dolhy Digital (AC-3or PCM)decodc_Olderequipment; some of which is not fully compliant with IEC958,may not be compotibia with the Dolby OigRd bRstreem.Such oconnection using anything othor then Oolby Digit_l AC-3 or PCMreceiveror decodercould createa high noiselevel,causingdamage to headphonesor speoker_.DVI-HDW Input Lets you connect an RD receiver with a DVl output.• DVI {Digital Visual Interface} Provides an uneompressed, digital video interface developed for high-bandwidth digital connection. It supports the overlay of high-resolution graphics needed by someelectronic program guide navigation and other interactive services. DVl, when combined with HDCP (Highbandwidth Digital Content Protection) technology, creates a protected digital connection. The signal speedof the DVl connection is 1080i for HD]V at a rate of 1.78 Gigabits per second.• L/MONO {Audio] Provides left audio connection when using the DVl jack. The left audio connector isusually white.• R {Audio] Provides right audio connection when using the DVI jack. The right audio connector is usuallyred.Noto:Rememberto connect tile left and right audio cablesbemuse the DVIcablecarries only the picture signal, not the sound.COMPONENT INPUTS Lets you connect a component video source, such as a DUD player.* CMP1 Y, Pc, PR{Component Video] Provides optimum picture quality because the video is separated intothree signals. Use three video-grade cables for the connection. When using CMP1 Y, P_,P,, make sure toconnect left and right audio cables to the CMP1 L/MONO and R Audio Input jacks.* CMP1 L/l_ _{Audio] Provides left audio connection. The left audio connector is usually white.e CMP1 R {Audio] Provides right audio connection. The right audio connector is usually red.e CMP2 Y, Pc, PR,and I_/MONO and R Audio Allows you to connect a second component video source.Their description is the same as CMP1 above. When using CMP2 Y, P_,P_, make sure you connect the leftand right audio cables to the CMP2 Audio jacks.COMPOSITE INPUTS Lets you connect another component such as a VCR, DVD player, or laserdisc player. ItsAUDIO jacks are the same as described for CMP1 above.e VlD1 S-VIDEO Provides better picture quality than the video jacks (VID1 and 2 Video] because the colorpart of the signal is separated from the black and white part of the picture. When using VlD1 S-VIDEO,make sure to connect left and right audio cables to the VlD1 L/MONO and R Audio Input jacks.e VlD1 V {Video] Provides composite video connection. The video connector is usually yellow.* VID2 S-VIDEO, V and L/MONO and R Audio Allows you to connect a component such as a VCR, DVDplayer, or laserdise player. Their description is the same as VID1 above.Note:Do not connecton S-Videoend Video cableot the some time in either VID1or VlD2jocks.AUDIO/VIDEO OUTPUTS Lets you connect an amplifier or audio receiver for improved sound quality or anexternal video monitor.• FIXED AUDIO L/R Provides fixed-level audio output from the W/DVD. This audio output is ideal forconnecting to an AN receiver when you want to control the volume through the AN receiver.• VARIABLE AUDIO Provides variable-level audio output. Volume levels are controlled by the volumecontrols on the ]V/DVD and remote control.• SUBWOOFER Provides lower bass audio frequencies out from the*[V/DVD and to a subwoofer.NOto.If you've connectede subwoofer, make sureyou setthe ExternalSuhwooferoption in the Sound menu.Go to page 33 forinstructions.EXTERNALSPEAKERS• Right and Left Speaker Terminals Let you connect external left and right speakers to the*[V/DVD toreceive left and right sound.• EXT/INT (switch] Lets you turn the lV/DVD's internal speakers on or off. EXT sends audio to externalspeakers only. ]NT sends audio to the *[V/DVD's internal speakers only.ANTENNA/CABLE Lets you connect a coaxial cable to receive the signal from the antenna, cable, cable box, orif using the examples on pages 7-9, a VCR.Chapter 1 1 1