EC9000i / 9100i / 9600i Series Scanner User Guide Operating the scannerLight signals and beepsThe scanner’s status is shown through a single, multistate LED (light-emitting diode), which is the light onthe top, front, right-hand side of the unit. The table below describes typical status signals and theirmeanings.Signals MeaningRed-red-green-green flashingcycle During start up, the scanner is being configured by the application.Wait for the application to finish configuring the scanner.Red-green flashing cycleGreen solid The scanner is ready and idle.Green flashing The scanner is waiting for the user to insert a document into thefeeder.Green-red flashing cycle The scanner is processing the document. Wait for the scanner tofinish.Red flashing with one beep An error occurred while the scanner was processing the document.Check your PC application for instructions or refer to your localprocedures. If you need more help, contact your distributor (reseller).Green flashing with one shortbeepThe scanner read the document successfully.Red flashing and three shortbeepsThe scanner was not able to read the MICR line.A typical document processing / LED cycle1. The LED is Green (Solid): The unit is idle.2. The LED is Green (Flashing): The scanner is waiting for a document to be inserted for scanning.3. The LED is Green/Red (Flashing): The scanning operation is in progress.4. The LED is Green (Solid): The scanning operation is complete. The scanner has returned to itsidle state.©2015 RDM Corporation Page 24