reedinstrumentswww com 7Pantone 534 BluePantone 123 YellowPantone 485 RedPantone 123 YellowPantone 534 BlueBlack Rich Black -20/20/20/100Blue - 100/80/30/5Yellow - 0/27/100/0Red - 10/100/100/5Yellow - 0/27/100/0Blue - 100/80/30/5Only if you REALLY need them:Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5Operating InstructionsMeasuring Pressure1. Press the power button to turn the meter on. Press the P/V/Fbutton to enter Pressure Measurement mode. Press the Downbutton to select the unit of measurement.2. Connect a single hose to the Input Port, leaving the Ref Port empty.3. To ensure accuracy, zero out the unit before taking a measurement.With the input hose open to ambient conditions, press and hold theHold/Zero button until the display states “0”.4. Place the input hose in the desired measurement location. Be sureto place the meter away from the measurement location orreadings will not be accurate.5. The meter will display the differential pressure of the input zonewith respect to the reference zone. For example, a positive readingmeans that the input zone is positively pressured in respect to themeter location or its reference zone.Measuring Velocity1. Press the power button to turn the meter on. Press the P/V/Fbutton twice to enter Velocity Measurement mode. Press the Downbutton to select the unit of measurement.2. Connect the white hose to the Input Port on the meter and the totalpressure connection on the pitot tube. Connect the black hose tothe Ref Port on the meter and the static pressure connection on thepitot tube.3. To ensure accuracy, zero out the unit before taking a measurement.With the Input and Ref hoses open to ambient conditions, pressand hold the Hold/Zero button until the display states “0”.4. To take a measurement, face the pitot tube tip against themeasured area. Ensure that the axis of the duct is aligned with theflow at ±10°. If the readings come out negative and “Error” appearson the display, check that the hoses are attached to the correctports on the meter and the pitot tube.REED Instruments1-877-849-2127 | |