S-AGR08gb02 05/15 - 3 Page 2 of 42 Safety Regulations2.3 InstructionsPersons who work with the spraying device must be instructed about dangers before beginningtheir activities.This instruction must be repeated and documented at least once per year.2.4 Work stationsDanger!Danger of fire and explosion!• Smoking and open flames are strictly prohibited in areas prone tofire and explosion.• No accumulations of coating materials must be allowed to collect inspray booths, on spraying stands, or anywhere in the entire workarea.• Access doors to the spray booths must remain closed duringspraying.• Sources of ignition must be avoided.2.5 CleaningDanger!Danger of fire and explosion!Accumulations of coating materials must be removed. The followingmust be cleaned regularly:• Workpiece fixtures• Suction devices• Leakage mist separators and their immediate vicinityTechnical ventilation must be active during cleaning work.Use only electrically conductive containers for the cleaning fluids. Ad-ditionally, these containers must be earthed.Use only solvents with a flashpoint that is at least 5°C higher than thesurrounding temperature. When cleaning the guns, wear suitable pro-tective clothing, such as gloves, safety goggles, etc.2.6 Requirement for the entering of spray boothWarning!Danger of inhaling substances hazardous to your health!During the spraying operation, no persons are permitted to remain inthe spray booth.The concentration of solvent in the air must be under the limit that isharmful to health. If appropriate, wear suitable protective breathingequipment when entering the spray booth.!!!