1 Safety1.11.1 GeneralThe fan meets the technical safety standardsapplicable in the EC at the time of delivery. Therules and regulations for the prevention of accidentsapplicable at the time of delivery were taken intoaccount in the fan design.The technical design meets DIN 24166 standard“Technical delivery conditions for fans”.It is not allowed to modify the original condition ofthe fan without the approval of Reitz. The warrantyexpires when parts other than original Reitz spareparts and/or purchased parts not corresponding tothe original parts are used.Any variation or repair work has to comply with thebrochure ”Safety instructions for the application ofReitz products”. Please request the brochure fromus if it has not yet been supplied.The operating manual and any requiredsupplementary manuals must be available to theoperator.It must be ensured that fans which are installed athigh levels can only be reached via stagesespecially installed for this purpose.All devices and installations provided to preventnoxious substances from escaping must be checkedbefore the fan is put into operation.Do not bypass, loosen of remove guardsand protective devices.Do not open inspection ports and/or other openingswhen the fan is in operation.