LED DisplayRLVBDSP02_Manual.doc Revision 1 30/04/2008 Page 6 of 9Using the LED DisplayThe latest LED Display firmware is capableof displaying the following parameters:-Speed in Knots, Km/h and MPHLongitudinal Acceleration*Lateral Acceleration*Satellites in view countHeightVertical Velocity**Not available with VB10SPSThe Display data is taken from the serialdata output from the VBOX. ThereforeVertical Velocity, lateral and longitudinalacceleration (GPS Latacc & GPS Longacc)must be enabled in the ‘Serial Data’ tab ofVBOX Setup in the VBOX software if theyare to be shown on the display.After power is applied the display will perform a brief self test and will illuminate all segmentsto show correct operation.When the VBOX has acquired 3 or more satellites the display will change to whatever screenwas used last. If the display was last set for km/h then the unit will display km/h on acquiring 3or more satellites. If, at any time the VBOX can only see 2 or less satellites then the displaywill revert to displaying number of satellites.LED Display DescriptionNo communication with VBOX (this canoccur if laptop is also connected, but s/wis not running, also during VBOX setup &download)No satellites in viewOne satellite in viewTwo satellites in view