6 3SETTING A CHANNELYou can communicate with anyone who has aradio set to the same channel. See “Using theRadio” on Pages 4 and 5 for information aboutchanging your radio’s channel.USING THE QUIET FEATUREThe quiet feature lets you talk and listen to peo-ple who are using other radios set to the samechanneland quiet code. This is like having asub-channel within a channel, which gives yougreater communication flexibility. When you seta quiet code (7 to choose from), you can com-municate with anyone who has a radio set to thesame channel and code. Your radio is preset tonot use a quiet code, but you can change that.To set a quiet code, remove the battery coverand the batteries, then use your thumb or a cointo turn CODE to the quiet code (A to G) you wantto use or 0 if you do not want to use a quietcode. The set code shows below CODE as youturn it.When you set a quiet code, that quiet code isautomatically set for all channels.INSTALLING BATTERIESYour radio uses three AA batteries for power.You can use alkaline or rechargeable batteries.(If you use rechargeable batteries, you mustcharge them before you can use them in the ra-dio).Be sure the radio is off, then remove the batterycompartment cover by pushing both latches to-ward the back of the radio and sliding the coveroff. Then install the batteries according to thecorrect polarity (+ and –) as shown.Caution: Do not mix old and new batteries, dif-ferent types of batteries (standard, alkaline, orrechargeable), or rechargeable batteries of dif-ferent capacities.Note: If you plan to use a quiet code, you canchange the radio’s quiet code setting before youfinish installing the batteries and replacing theradio’s battery compartment cover. See “Usingthe Quiet Feature” on Page 6 for more informa-tion.MICPUSHTOTALKMONITORLatchLatch(not shown)21-1805.fm Page 3 Thursday, August 5, 1999 2:25 PM