41REDUCING SQUELCH TAILIf you are communicating with a repeater or another station usingsubaudible tones, you can eliminate the squelch tail (the burst ofnoise the other person hears when you stop transmitting) by turn-ing on the transmit delay option. When you turn on this featureand use CTCSS, the radio continues to transmit for a short periodof time after you release PTT, but then it immediately drops thesubaudible tone. This causes the other radio to close the squelchbefore there is “dead air,” preventing the squelch tail.Use the Main Menu (see “Using the HTX-200’s Menus” on Page16) to set the transmit delay option. Then, with t.dy and the cur-rent status displayed, press or to turn this feature on or off.BUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUTUse the Main Menu to set the busy channel lockout (see “Usingthe HTX-200’s Menus” on Page 16). The lockout prevents thetransceiver from transmitting while it is receiving a signal. Withthe radio’s preset value bCLO oF displayed, press or tochange the display to bCLO oN. Repeat this step to change thedisplay back to bCLO oF to disable the lockout .