© 2002 RadioShack Corporation.All Rights Reserved.Hypersearch, Hyperscan, Adaptaplug,RadioShack, and RadioShack.com are trademarksused by RadioShack Corporation.20-315 OWNER’S MANUAL — Please read before using this equipment.One-Touch Search Banks— let you search presetfrequencies in separatemarine, fire/police, aircraft,ham, and weather banks, tomake it easy to locatespecific types of calls.Supplied Flexible Antenna withBNC Connector — provides goodreception of strong local signals. You canconnect an external antenna with a BNCconnector to the scanner for improvedreception of distant/weaker signals.Liquid-Crystal Display —makes it easy to view andchange programminginformation. The displaybacklight also makes thescanner easy to read in low-light situations.Tune — lets you tunefor new and unlistedfrequencies startingfrom a specifiedfrequency.Priority Channel — letsyou program a channel asthe priority channel. Asthe scanner scans, itchecks the prioritychannel every 2 secondsso you do not misstransmissions on thatchannel.241/:4"422/%JCPPGN"8*(1#KT17*(*CPFJGNF"5ECPPGT