14To listen to one of the seven availableweather channels, set CB/WX/PA to WX,then rotate WEATHER to choose a chan-nel for your listening area. The channeldisplay and the SWR turn off. ReadjustOFF/VOLUME if necessary.Note: When the CB radio is set to CB orPA, and you enter a NOAA broadcast ar-ea, the state of the WX/ALERT indicatesthree possible situations:OFF — No weather signal on theselected weather channel. Checkanother channel.GREEN — Normal weather signal.No emergecy broadcast.ORANGE — Weather alert broad-cast on the selected channel. Turnto WX to listen to information orpower off then on to clear the alert.Weather AlertIn the event of severe weather condi-tions, the National Weather Servicebroadcasts a special 1050 Hz tone. TheTRC-446 sounds this tone if it is turnedon and CB/WX/PA is set to CB or WX.The tone does not sound if the radio isset to PA. When the radio receives thissignal tone, WX/ALERT lights orangeregardless of the position of CB/WX/PA.NOAA transmits this tone for 5 to 10seconds. If the TRC-446 is set to CB orPA, the orange light remains on even af-ter transmission ceases. You do nothave to be present when the signal is re-ceived to be aware of an alert.However, WX/ALERT turns off if youturn to WX or move out of the range ofthat NOAA channel. To turn off the indi-cator you can also turn power off, thenon.The orange indicator means switch toWX to hear special severe weather in-formation and warnings.USING THE PUBLICADDRESS FUNCTION1. Connect a PA speaker to the TRC-446 (see “Connecting OptionalExternal Speakers” on Page 8).2. Turn OFF/VOLUME fully counter-clockwise.3. Set CB/WX/PA to PA. The meter andTX/RX turn off.4. Hold down the microphone talk but-ton and speak into the microphonein a normal voice. Be sure themicrophone is as far from the PAspeaker as possible to reduce thepossibility of audio feedback orhowl.5. Adjust OFF/VOLUME as needed toadjust the PA's volume.21-1574.fm Page 14 Thursday, May 13, 1999 4:03 PM