29PRR S-2 Turbine Operating InstructionsBATTERY PROBLEMS REMEDYI get no sounds when the engine shifts between thedirection states.The battery may be dead or needs charging. See theBattery Backup section for more information.After I turn off my transformer, my engine continues tomake sounds before quitting with a ding of its bell.ProtoSounds continues to sound for approximately 10seconds after power to the track has been shut off.The sounds distort at low voltages.The battery is insufficiently charged or dead. Followthe recharging instructions found in the section entitled“Self Recharging Battery Backup System”.A repeating whistle blast occurs after the power hasbeen shut down.The battery is insufficiently charged or dead. Followthe recharging instructions found in the section entitled“Self Recharging Battery Backup System”.RESET PROBLEMS REMEDYWhen I first turn the power on, the engine will notbegin to run. I have to turn the throttle off and then onagain to get the engine to operate.This is normal behavior. When power to the track isfirst turned on, ProtoSounds enters a “RESET” phaseat which time the engine undergoes a system check.Power must be interrupted to get the engine into theForward Phase. See the section entitled “DCRUReverse Unit Operation” for more information.Whenever I interrupt the power from RESET to enterForward, the engine goes back into RESET instead ofForward. I know this occurs because the bell dingstwice.Whenever ProtoSounds enters RESET after powerhas been off for more than 15 seconds, themicroprocessor initiates a system check to determinethat everything is in working order. This system checkrequires 2.2 seconds to complete during which timethe engine will play the steam startup sounds. Werecommend that you don’t interrupt the power inRESET until the steam startup sounds havecompleted. This will guarantee that the system checkwill have been completed since the startup soundstake longer than 2.2 seconds to play. If the problempersists, we recommend that you operate the throttlewith a slower movement as you interrupt the power inRESET and enter the Forward PhaseBRAKE SOUND PROBLEMS REMEDYWhen the transformer is throttled down, the soundswon’t play.The brake features has not been activated. See thesection on activating the brake feature for moreinformation.The throttle voltage setting on thetransformer is either not starting high enough orending low enough to trigger the brakes sounds. Tryincreasing the throttle setting to 14 volts or higherbefore throttling down to 8 volts or less.The brake sounds continue to play even after theengine stops.The brake feature sound record lasts for threeseconds. With practice you can control how quicklyyou should stop the engine to keep it in sequence withthe sound of the brake’s squeaking.The brake feature was activated in neutral after theengine was running in forward, but the brake soundswould not play when triggered after the engine wentback into forward or reverse.The brake feature will only remain enabled if it istriggered in the first direction state you enter afteractivating the feature in neutral. You cannot interruptthe power twice to enter another direction state andstill have the brake feature active. Therefore, in orderto make the brake sound feature operate in forward,you must first activate the feature in the neutralposition that occurs after the engine was in the reversestate.