While the engine is programmed to start with the speed control feature activated, you canopt to turn it off. This means the engine's speed will fall as it labors up a hill and increaseas it travels downward. It is also affected by the addition or releasing of cars while on therun. Because the engine will run more slowly at a given throttle voltage when speedcontrol is on than when it is off, you should adjust the throttle to a lower power level foroperation with speed control off to avoid high-speed derailments. When speed control isoff, the volume will drop to allow for better low voltage operation.To turn speed control on and off, put the engine in neutral, then quickly tap thetransformer's Horn button one time then quickly tap the Bell button two times, allowingapproximately ½ second to lapse between each quick button press. Two horn blasts willindicate that the engine has made the change. Repeat the 1 horn, 2 bells code to return itto the other condition. You will want to do this during the initial neutral upon start-up ifyou ever couple this engine to another engine that is not equipped with speed control toavoid damaging the motors in either engine. Each time you shut down the enginecompletely, it will automatically turn speed control on.HornPlaceEngine intoNeutral Bell Bell =Speed ControlTwo Horn Blasts(indicates change is made)Repeat to Returnto Normal ConditionLocking Locomotive Into A DirectionYou can lock your engine into a direction (forward, neutral, or reverse) so that it willnot change directions. To do this, put the engine into the direction you want (or intoneutral to lock it into neutral), run it at a very slow crawl (as slowly as it will movewithout halting), and quickly but firmly tap the Horn button once followed by threequick taps of the Bell button, allowing approximately ½ second to lapse between eachquick button press. Two horn blasts will indicate that the engine has made the change.The engine will not change direction (including going into neutral) until you repeat the1 horn, 3 bells code to return the engine to its normal condition, even if the engine iskept without power for extended periods of time.HornPlaceEngine intoDesiredDirectionHorn Bell Bell Bell =Direction LockTwo Horn Blasts(indicates change is made)Repeat to Returnto Normal ConditionRailKing Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound® 3.012SD60Ditch Lights (On/Off) (if equipped)By Default your Ditch Lights are set to ON. That means they are ON as soon as theengine starts moving in forward. When you sound the horn they will alternately flashand will continue to flash for 5 seconds after the horn button has been released. Whenyou set the Ditch Lights OFF they will stay off regardless of movement or horn sounds.To toggle the Ditch Lights, perform the following sequence on your AC transformerbelow:Ditch Lights(On/Off)HornPlaceEngine inNeutral =BellBellBellBellNOTE – The Ditch Lights follow Rule 17 lighting. That means when your engine isstopped the ditch lights will go off. Once you start moving again in forward (when theheadlight goes from dim to bright) they will come back ON, provided you have them set toON.