GB-5RANSOMES SMALL PEDESTRIAN RANGESAFETY, OPERATORS & MAINTENANCE MANUALThis safety symbol indicates important safetymessages in this manual. When you see thissymbol, be alert to the possibility of injury, carefullyread the message that follows, and inform otheroperators.3.1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS• Ensure that the instructions in this bookare read and fully understood.• No person should be allowed to operatethis machine unless they are fullyacquainted with all the controls and thesafety procedures.• Never allow children or people unfamiliarwith these instructions to use thismachine. Local regulations may restrictthe age of the operator.3.2 SAFETY SIGNS• It is essential all safety labels are keptlegible, if they are missing or illegible theymust be replaced. If any part of themachine is replaced and it originallycarried a safety label, a new label must beaffixed to the replacement part. Newsafety labels are obtainable fromRansomes dealers.3.3 STARTING THE ENGINE• Before starting the engine check that thebrakes are applied, drives are in neutral,guards are in position and intact, andbystanders are clear of the machine.• Do not run the engine in a building withoutadequate ventilation.3.4 DRIVING THE MACHINE• Before moving the machine, check toensure that all parts are in good workingorder, paying particular attention tobrakes, tyres, steering and the security ofcutting blades.• Replace faulty silencers, mow only indaylight or good artificial light• Always observe the Highway Code both onand off the roads. Keep alert and aware atall times. Watch out for traffic whencrossing or near roadways.3 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS• Stop the blades rotating before crossingsurfaces other than grass.• Remember that some people are deaf orblind and that children and animals can beunpredictable.• Keep travelling speeds low enough for anemergency stop to be effective and safe atall times, in any conditions.• Remove or avoid obstructions in the areato be cut, thus reducing the possibility ofinjury to yourself and/or bystanders.• Keep in mind that the operator or user isresponsible for accidents or hazardsoccurring to other people or their property.• While mowing, always wear substantialfootwear and long trousers. Do notoperate the equipment when barefoot orwearing open sandals.• Check the grass catcher frequently forwear or deterioration. After striking aforeign object. Inspect the lawnmower fordamage and make repairs before restartingand operating the equipment.• If the machine starts to vibrate abnormally,check immediately.3.5 TRANSPORTING• Do not transport with cutting mechanismrotating.• Drive the machine with due considerationof road and surface conditions, inclinesand local undulations.3.6 LEAVING THE DRIVING POSITION• Park the machine on level ground.• Before leaving the driving position, stop theengine and make sure all moving parts arestationary. Apply brakes and disengage alldrives.Switch engine off.3.7 SLOPESTAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WORKING ONSLOPES• Local undulations and sinkage will changethe general slope. Avoid ground conditionswhich can cause the machine to slide.• Travel on grass slopes requires particularcare.