GB-34RANSOMES SMALL PEDESTRIAN RANGESAFETY, OPERATORS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL10 ADJUSTMENTS10.1 51 MARQUIS: HEIGHT OF CUTADJUSTMENTThe cutting height is determined by the position ofthe front rolls in relation to the bottom blade,variation of this height is made by adjusting the frontroll. A range of cut between 6mm and 27mm can beachieved with the adjustments explained below.The height of cut bar (A Fig.10.1.1) is used toaccurately set the height of cut. The bolt in (A) ispositioned so that the head of the bolt is hookedover the lip of the bottom blade. The bar restsagainst both the front (C) and the rear (B) rolls. Themeasured height of cut would be from the undersideof the head of the bolt to the surface of the settingbar.It is important when using the bar to set the bolt tothe desired height of cut first and then to try toposition it over the lip of the bottom blade. If it doesnot fit snugly then the front roll will requireadjustment.This procedure should be carried out at both ends ofthe bottom blade in order to set it parallel to the rearlandroll.45cm and 51cm machines (Fig.10.1.2)Pull out the pin (A) on both sides of the machine andreplace it in one of the other 3 holes (coarseadjustment). Towards the front of the machine willincrease the height of cut, towards the back of themachine will lower the height of cut. For fineadjustment the screw (B) should be turned.10.2 61 MARQUIS: HEIGHT OF CUTADJUSTMENTThe height variation is made by adjusting the frontroll by means of a hand wheel (C).To raise the height of cut the roll has to be loweredand this is achieved by turning the hand wheelclockwise.To lower the height of cut the roll has to be raised.Turn the hand wheel anticlockwise.To ensure that the height of cut is set correctly, tiltthe machine back and place a straight edge acrossthe front and rear rolls. The gap between the bottomblade cutting surface and the straight edge shouldnot be less than 6mm. Check the setting at bothends of the bottom blade.NOTE: The front roll should never be set so that thebottom blade is pressing on the turf; this willdamage the spiral cutters, bottom blade and the turf.Fig.10.1.2Fig.10.1.1