DisclaimerRaymarine does not warrant that this product iserror-free or that it is compatible with productsmanufactured by any person or entity other thanRaymarine.Raymarine is not responsible for damages or injuriescaused by your use or inability to use the product,by the interaction of the product with productsmanufactured by others, or by errors in informationutilized by the product supplied by third parties.Suppression ferrites• Raymarine cables may be pre-fitted or suppliedwith suppression ferrites. These are important forcorrect EMC performance. If ferrites are suppliedseparately to the cables (i.e. not pre-fitted), youmust fit the supplied ferrites, using the suppliedinstructions.• If a ferrite has to be removed for any purpose (e.g.installation or maintenance), it must be replaced inthe original position before the product is used.• Use only ferrites of the correct type, supplied byRaymarine or its authorized dealers.• Where an installation requires multiple ferrites tobe added to a cable, additional cable clips shouldbe used to prevent stress on the connectors dueto the extra weight of the cable.Connections to other equipmentRequirement for ferrites on non-Raymarine cablesIf your Raymarine equipment is to be connectedto other equipment using a cable not supplied byRaymarine, a suppression ferrite MUST always beattached to the cable near the Raymarine unit.Declaration of conformityRaymarine UK Ltd. declares that this product iscompliant with the essential requirements of EMCdirective 2004/108/EC.The original Declaration of Conformity certificatemay be viewed on the relevant product page atwww.raymarine.com.Product disposalDispose of this product in accordance with theWEEE Directive.The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE) Directive requires the recycling of wasteelectrical and electronic equipment.Warranty registrationTo register your Raymarine product ownership,please visit www.raymarine.com and register online.It is important that you register your product toreceive full warranty benefits. Your unit packageincludes a bar code label indicating the serial numberof the unit. You will need this serial number whenregistering your product online. You should retainthe label for future reference.IMO and SOLASThe equipment described within this documentis intended for use on leisure marine boats andworkboats NOT covered by International MaritimeOrganization (IMO) and Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) Carriage Regulations.Technical accuracyTo the best of our knowledge, the information in thisdocument was correct at the time it was produced.However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for anyinaccuracies or omissions it may contain. In addition,our policy of continuous product improvement maychange specifications without notice. As a result,Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differencesbetween the product and this document. Pleasecheck the Raymarine website (www.raymarine.com)to ensure you have the most up-to-date version(s) ofthe documentation for your product.8