Alarm Message Possible causes SolutionNO DATA • The autopilot is in Wind Vane mode and has notreceived wind angle data for 32 seconds.• The autopilot is in Track mode and is notreceiving navigation data, or the rudder positionsensor is receiving a low-strength signal. Thiswill clear when the signal improves.Check the connections to the wind transducer,multifunction display, and autopilot control head(as appropriate).PILOT STARTUP Autopilot components are initializing. Some components may take a moment to startup.NO WIND DATA The autopilot is in Wind Vane mode and has notreceived wind angle data for 32 seconds.Check the connections to the wind transducer.NO SPEED DATA The autopilot has not received speed (STW orSOG) data for 10 seconds, while in Auto mode.Check the connections to the speed transducer.Pilot does not require speed data in order tooperate. However, it does enhance the overallperformance when in Auto mode.NO COMPASS The EV-1 or EV-2 is not receiving heading data. • Check the connections to the EV-1 / EV-2.• Power cycle the EV-1 / EV-2, by removing andthen reconnecting the SeaTalkng cable.RATEGYRO FAIL The internal rate gyro on the EV-1 or EV-2 unithas developed a fault. This will be evident as acompass issue and could cause the compassheading to deviate or lock-up.If the problem persists, contact your localRaymarine service center.MOTOR POWER SWAPPED On the Evolution ACU unit, the motor cables areconnected to the power terminals, and vice versa.Switch off the power to the unit and reconnectcorrectly.NO GPS DATA A source of GPS data is not connected to theSeaTalkng system.Check connections to the GPS data source.JOYSTICK FAULT A fault has occurred with the joystick. This alarmapplies only to autopilot systems that include ajoystick controller.Check the connections to, and operation of thejoystick.NO IPS (NO DRIVE DETECTED) Loss of communications between the EV-1 andACU, or EV-2 and drive interface unit.Check all physical data connections betweenthese devices, as appropriate.PILOT RESET NORMAL (UNEXPECTEDHARDWARE RESET)• Autopilot resets due to an external event (suchas use of the sleep switch, or faulty wiringcausing the autopilot components to powercycle).Check all system wiring, especially power-relatedwiring.PILOT RESET EXCEPTION (UNEXPECTEDSOFTWARE RESET)The EV-1 / EV-2 software has detected a fault itcannot recover from, and has reset the pilot.Wait approximately 1 minute for the EV-1 / EV-2to reset and re-initialize.Installation 31