See the 'Working with Waypoints' chapter of the Reference ManualD6729_4How do I navigate to a waypoint?How do I navigate to a point?Can I edit a waypoint?How do I place a waypoint?... at the cursor? ... at the vessel?Move cursorto positionMove cursorto positionWPTS/MOBWAYPOINT ATCURSOR WPTS/MOBWAYPOINT ATVESSELWaypointAlternatively, press WPTS/MOB twice.What is a waypoint?A waypoint is a position marked on a chart, radar or fishfinder screen toindicate a site (for fishing, diving etc), or as a position to go to. You canplace a waypoint at the cursor or your boat's position or at a specifiedposition. Waypoints are represented in chart or radar applications as an'X' (default) and by a vertical line labeled WPT in Fishfinder. Activewaypoints are displayed on 3D Chart and CDI windows. The details ofeach waypoint are stored in a waypoint list. Waypoints can be renamed,edited, grouped, or erased, as necessary. To make full use of waypointfeatures, ensure your display is receiving heading and position data. Werecommend that you regularly back-up your waypoints by archiving themto a CompactFlash card. Waypoints can also be transferred to anotherNMEA compatible instrument.Networked systemsIf you have networked two or moreE-Series Displays, the waypoints arestored on the master display andtransferred to other displays via theSeaTalk High Speed network.Basic NavigationWorking with WaypointsCard 11WAYPOINT ATCURSORWAYPOINT ATVESSELWAYPOINT ATLAT/LONGO TO WAYPOINTOPTIONSREVIEW AND EDITWAYPOINTSCAUTIONAlways check that your route to a waypointis safe before travelling towards it.GOTO... GOTO CURSORHighlightrequired waypointName:Waypoint 1Waypoint 2Waypoint 3Group:Position:Rng/Brg:Temperature:Depth:Date:Time:---.- F---.-ft05/11/200314:59:11O284 o4.315nmWaypoint listMy Waypoint50 53’.826N001 10’.963WooWPTS/MOB...using the waypoint list?GO TO WAYPOINTOPTIONS... GO TO WAYPOINTOnce a waypoint has been placed it can be edited in as variety of ways. You can:Change the waypoint detailsWPTPlace cursorover waypoint....using the cursor?GO TO WAYPOINTWPTMove cursor torequired positionSTOP GOTOGOTO...WPTOR:To stop navigation to a waypoint:Erase a waypointChange the default group or symbolMove a waypoint? More information...