3.3 System protocolsYour product can be connected to various productsand systems to share information and so improvethe functionality of the overall system.These connections may be made using a number ofdifferent protocols. Fast and accurate data collectionand transfer is achieved by using a combination ofthe following data protocols:• SeaTalkng®• NMEA 2000• SeaTalkNote: You may find that your system does notuse all of the connection types or instrumentationdescribed in this section.SeaTalkng®SeaTalkng® (Next Generation) is an enhancedprotocol for connection of compatible marineinstruments and equipment. It replaces the olderSeaTalk and SeaTalk2 protocols.SeaTalkng® utilizes a single backbone to whichcompatible equipment connect using a spur. Dataand power are carried within the backbone. Devicesthat have a low draw can be powered from thenetwork, although high current equipment will needto have a separate power connection.SeaTalkng® is a proprietary extension to NMEA 2000and the proven CAN bus technology. CompatibleNMEA 2000 and SeaTalk and SeaTalk2 devices canalso be connected using the appropriate interfacesor adaptor cables as required.NMEA 2000NMEA 2000 offers significant improvements overNMEA 0183, most notably in speed and connectivity.Up to 50 units can simultaneously transmit andreceive on a single physical bus at any one time,with each node being physically addressable. Thestandard was specifically intended to allow fora whole network of marine electronics from anymanufacturer to communicate on a common bus viastandardized message types and formats.SeaTalkSeaTalk is a protocol which enables compatibleinstruments to connect to each other and share data.The SeaTalk cable system is used to connectcompatible instruments and equipment. The cablecarries power and data and enables connectionwithout the need for a central processor.Additional instruments and functions can be added toa SeaTalk system, simply by plugging them into thenetwork. SeaTalk equipment can also communicatewith other non-SeaTalk equipment via the NMEA0183 standard, provided a suitable interface is used.3.4 Tools requiredTools required for installation1 Pozi-drive screwdriver2 File3 92 mm (3.62 in) hole cutter4 Adhesive tape5 Power drillPlanning the installation 17