A. This heater has a pilot which must be lighted byhand. When lighting the pilot, follow these instruc-tions exactly.B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around the heaterarea for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floorbecause some gas is heavier than air and will settleon the floor.WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS• Do not try to light any appliance.• Do not touch any electric switch.• Do not use any phone in your building.• Immediately call your gas supplier from aneighbor's telephone. Follow the gas supplier'sinstructions.• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call thefire department.C. Use only your hand to push in, move or turn the gascontrol knob or lever. Never use tools. If the knobor lever will not push in, move or turn by hand, don'ttry to repair it, call a qualified service technician.Force or attempted repair may result in a fire orexplosion.D. Do not use this heater if any part has been underwater. Immediately call a qualified service techni-cian to inspect the heater and to replace any part ofthe control system and any gas control which hasbeen under water.FOR STANDING PILOT MODEL WITHROBERTSHAW GAS VALVE, ON/OFF OPERATION1. STOP! Read the safety information above.2. Set the tankstat on the lowest setting.3. Turn OFF all electric power to the heater.4. Remove heater door panel.5. Push in gas control knob slightly and turn clockwiseto "OFF".GAS CONTROLKNOB SHOWNIN "OFF" POSITIONGAS INLETNOTE: Knob cannot be turned from "PILOT" to "OFF"unless knob is pushed in slightly. Do not force.6. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. Thensmell for gas, including near the floor. If your smellgas, STOP! Follow "B" in the safety informationabove on this label. If you don't smell gas, go to thenext step.7. Locate pilot mounted on the right side of the burnerdrawer, right of first burner.8. Turn knob on gas control counterclockwiseto "Pilot".HONEYWELL PILOT ROBERTSHAW PILOT9. Push in control knob all the way and hold in,immediately light the pilot with a match. Continueto hold control knob in for about one minute after thepilot is lighted, release knob and it will pop back up.Pilot should remain lighted. If it goes out, repeatsteps 4 through 8.* If knob does not pop up when released, stopand immediately call your service technician orgas supplier.* If the pilot does not stay lit after several tries,turn the gas control knob to "OFF" and call yourservice technician or gas supplier.10. Stand to the side of the heater and turn the gascontrol knob counterclockwise to "ON".11. Replace heater door.12. Turn "ON" all electrical power to the heater.13. Set the tankstat to the desired setting.FOR STANDING PILOT MODEL WITH HONEYWELLGAS VALVE, ON/OFF OPERATION1. STOP! Read the safety information.2. Set the tankstat to the lowest setting.3. Turn Off all electrical power to the heater.4. Remove heater door panel.5. Turn gas control knob clockwise to "OFF".GAS CONTROLKNOB SHOWNIN "OFF"POSITIONGAS INLETFig.# 8083.2 Fig.# 8041.220