32CONTROLSIgnition Control ModuleThe interrupted proved ignition device conserves ener-gy. When additional heat is needed, the combustion airblower starts to purge all air from the combustionchamber for about 15 seconds. On proof of air flow,the air proving switch closes and the igniter is ener-gized, eliminating the fuel costs of maintaining aconstant pilot.To ensure safe operation, the gas valve cannot openuntil the igniter is verified as capable of igniting thegas. The ignition module is an electronic device whichcloses the main gas valve within 8/10 of a secondwhenever the flame is interrupted. The main burner isautomatically lit when the device is powered and pre-purged. The unit performs its own safety check.WARNING: Installation, adjustment and service ofheater controls including timing of various operatingfunctions must be performed by a qualified installer,service agency or the gas supplier. Failure to do somay result in control damage, heater malfunction,property damage, personal injury, or death.WARNING: Turn off the power to the heater beforeinstallation, adjustment or service of the heatercontrols. Failure to do so may result in heatermalfunction, property damage, personal injury, ordeath.CAUTION: This appliance has provisions to beconnected to more than one (1) supply source. Toreduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect all suchconnections before servicing.CAUTION: Risk of electric shock. More than one(1) disconnect switch may be required to de-energize the equipment before servicing.Fig. 24: Ignition ModuleOutdoor Air ResetTemperature ControllerModels HD101 through HD301 Type H are factoryequipped with an electronic outdoor air reset tempera-ture controller. This controller is also an availableoption for model HD401 and for all Type WH models.The standard configuration provides for outdoor airreset of the system target water temperature based ona user defined reset ratio. The controller will resetbetween 120°F and 200ºF system water temperatureand allow for a maximum boiler outlet of 210°F. Thecontroller will provide two stage firing of the heater.The controller is also equipped with a connection foran external thermostat input for use with an indirectload such as an indirect DHW tank for hot water pro-duction. When used for direct DHW in conjunction witha storage tank, the controller can be configured to pro-vide fixed set point operation.The primary functions of the controller are set usingthe Operating Temperature dial and the DIP switches.See Table O. The controller has 4 LEDs to indicate theits condition:Power - On Solid - Turns on when 24 Vac Power ispresent.Heat Call - On Solid - Turns on when Heat Call (shortor 0-32 Vac) is present.Flashing - Boiler outlet sensor error. Whilepresent, operation ceases.IND Call - (Indirect DHW) On Solid - Turns on whenIND Call (short or 0-32 Vac) is present.Flashing - System supply sensor error.While present, operation continues usingboiler outlet sensor.wwSD - On Solid - Turns on when in OutdoorReset AND WWSD Active AND control inWWSD.Flashing - Outdoor sensor error. Whilepresent, operation continues with Fixedboiler target of 140 based on 32°F.