3836. After proper air pressure is received in the airplenum, the air pressure switches will close.37. If there is insufficient air pressure and the air pres-sure switch does not close, a 24 VAC signal is sentto the Universal Diagnostics Board to indicate thefault.38. A 24 VAC signal is now sent to the blower LED’son the status board.39. Power is applied to the optional equipment inter-lock connection (normally jumpered).40. The 24 VAC signal is then sent to the 24 VAC safe-ty connector.41. 24 VAC is now sent to the pressure switch (P.S.)terminal on the ignition modules.42. Once the pressure switch signal is received atignition module one, the heater performs a 15 sec-ond pre-purge, then hot surface igniter one isenergized by a 120 VAC signal from S-1 on igni-tion module one for approximately 30 seconds.(The hot surface igniter must draw greater than3.1 amps while being energized or ignition lockoutwill occur after three tries.)43. Once ignition module one determines that hot sur-face igniter one has heated up and operatingproperly, a 24 VAC signal is output from pin GV onmodule one.44. 24 VAC signal is received at gas valve 1 thus ener-gizing it.45. The stage 1 LED on the status display board isnow illuminated.46. The coil of relay K-2 is now energized with theN.O. contacts closing downstream of the stage 2and upstream of the stage 3 connections.47. The gas coming through the burners should ignitefrom the heat of hot surface igniter one and theflame should carry over from one burner to theother burners of stage 1. Remote flame sensorone is now trying to sense the flame. If the flameis not sensed within 4 seconds, the ignition mod-ule will shut down gas valve 1 and retry hotsurface igniter one. During ignition retry the heatermust perform a 15-second pre-purge and approx-imately a 30-second igniter warm-up beforeopening gas valve 1 again. The standard ignitionmodule will attempt ignition a maximum of threetimes prior to ignition lockout.48. If ignition module one locks out, a signal will besent to the Universal Diagnostics Board and to thestatus display board to indicate an ignition fault.49. When power is sent to gas valve 1 it is also sent totime delay relay 1 (TD-1) which starts a 5-secondcountdown.50. After the 5-second countdown from TD-1, 24 VACis waiting at pin 3 of the stage 2 connections onthe CPW board.51. After closure of the stage 2 contacts Gas valve 2is energized.52. The stage 2 LED on the status display board isnow illuminated.53. Power is applied to pin 5 of the stage 3 connec-tions on the CPW board.54. The temperature controller closes the stage 3 con-tacts at J3 on the CPW board.55. Power is applied to the “TH” terminal of ignitionmodule 2.56. Once the “TH” signal is received at ignition module2, the heater performs a 15 second pre-purge,then hot surface igniter 2 is energized by a 120VAC signal from S-1 on ignition module 2 forapproximately 30 seconds. (The hot surface ignit-er must draw greater than 3.1 amps while beingenergized or ignition lockout will occur after threetries.)57. Once ignition module 2 determines that hot sur-face igniter two is operating properly, a 24 VACsignal is sent to energize gas valve 3.58. The stage 3 LED on the status display board isnow illuminated.59. The gas coming through the stage 3 burnersshould ignite from the heat of hot surface ignitertwo and the flame should carry over from oneburner to the other burners of stage 3. Remoteflame sensor two is now trying to sense the flame.If the flame is not sensed within 4 seconds, theignition module will shut down gas valve 3 andretry the hot surface igniter. During ignition retrythe heater must perform a 15-second pre-purgeand approximately a 30-second igniter warm-upbefore opening gas valve 3 again. The standardignition module will attempt ignition a maximum ofthree times prior to ignition lockout.