Customizing the Schema52 Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide • May 2005• Create an OID registry so you can track OID assignments.An OID registry is a list you maintain that gives the OIDs and descriptions ofthe OIDs used in your directory schema. This ensures that no OID is everused for more than one purpose. You should then publish your OID registrywith your schema.• Create branches in the OID tree to accommodate schema elements.Create at least two branches under the OID branch or your directory schema,using OID.1 for attributes and OID.2 for object classes. If you want to defineyour own matching rules or controls, you can add new branches as needed(OID.3, for example).Naming Attributes and Object ClassesWhen creating names for new attributes and object classes, make the names asmeaningful as possible. This makes your schema easier to use for Directory Serveradministrators.Avoid naming collisions between your schema elements and existing schemaelements by including a unique prefix on all of your elements. For example, Corporation might add the prefix example before each of theircustom schema elements. They might add a special object class calledexamplePerson to identify employees in their directory.Strategies for Defining New Object ClassesThere are two ways you can create new object classes:• You can create many new object classes, one for each object class structure towhich you want to add an attribute.• You can create a single object class that supports all of the attributes that youcreate for your directory. You create this kind of an object class by defining itto be an AUXILIARY kind of object class.You may find it easiest to mix the two methods.For example, suppose your site wants to create the attributesexampleDateOfBirth, examplePreferredOS, exampleBuildingFloor, andexampleVicePresident. You can create several object classes that allow somesubset of these attributes. You might create an object class called examplePersonand have it allow exampleDateOfBirth and examplePreferredOS. The parent of