Modifying or Deleting a Fence Device315. Click Add this shared fence device.6. Clicking Add this shared fence device causes a progress page to be displayed temporarily. Afterthe fence device has been added, the detailed cluster properties menu is updated with the fencedevice under Configure a Fence Device.3.5.2. Modifying or Deleting a Fence DeviceTo modify or delete a fence device, follow these steps:1. At the detailed menu for the cluster (below the clusters menu), click Shared Fence Devices.Clicking Shared Fence Devices causes the display of the fence devices for a cluster and causesthe display of menu items for fence device configuration: Add a Fence Device and Configure aFence Device.2. Click Configure a Fence Device. Clicking Configure a Fence Device causes the display of a listof fence devices under Configure a Fence Device.3. Click a fence device in the list. Clicking a fence device in the list causes the display of a FenceDevice Form page for the fence device selected from the list.4. Either modify or delete the fence device as follows:• To modify the fence device, enter changes to the parameters displayed. Refer to Appendix B,Fence Device Parameters for more information about fence device parameters. Click Updatethis fence device and wait for the configuration to be updated.• To delete the fence device, click Delete this fence device and wait for the configuration to beupdated.NoteYou can create shared fence devices on the node configuration page, also.However, you can only modify or delete a shared fence device via Shared FenceDevices at the detailed menu for the cluster (below the clusters menu).3.6. Configuring Cluster MembersConfiguring cluster members consists of initially configuring nodes in a newly configured cluster,adding members, and deleting members. The following sections provide procedures for initialconfiguration of nodes, adding nodes, and deleting nodes:• Section 3.6.1, “Initially Configuring Members”• Section 3.6.2, “Adding a Member to a Running Cluster”• Section 3.6.3, “Deleting a Member from a Cluster”3.6.1. Initially Configuring MembersCreating a cluster consists of selecting a set of nodes (or members) to be part of the cluster. Once youhave completed the initial step of creating a cluster and creating fence devices, you need to configurecluster nodes. To initially configure cluster nodes after creating a new cluster, follow the steps in this