Appendix B. Getting Started with Gnu Privacy Guard 155output to a file in your login directory. That way, you can keep the certificate for use later, or move itto a diskette and store it someplace safe.The output looks similar to the following:sec 1024D/823D25A9 2000-04-26 Your Name <>Create a revocation certificate for this key?Press [Y] and [Enter] to create a revocation certificate for the listed key. Next, you are asked to selectthe reason for revocation and provide an optional description. After confirming the reason, enter thepassphrase you used to generate the key.Once your revocation certificate has been created (revoke.asc), it is located in your login directory.You should copy the certificate to a diskette and store it in a secure place. (If you do not know how tocopy a file to a diskette in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Step By StepGuide, Section 13.1 Using Diskettes).B.5. Exporting your Public KeyBefore you can use public key cryptography, other people must have a copy of your public key. Tosend your key to correspondents or to a keyserver, you must export the key.To export your key, so you can display it on a webpage or paste it in email, type the following com-mand:gpg --armor --export > mykey.ascYou do not see any output, because not only did you export your public key, you redirected the outputto a file called, for example, mykey.asc. (Without the addition of > mykey.asc, the key wouldhave been displayed as the standard output on the monitor screen.)Now, the file mykey.asc can be inserted into email or exported to a keyserver. To see the key, typeless mykey.asc to open the file in a pager (type [q] to quit the pager). It should look like thefollowing:-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.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