218 Chapter 38. TIC54X Dependent Features[symbol] .usect "section_name", size, [,[blocking_flag] [,alignment_flag]]Reserve space for variables in a named, uninitialized section (similar to .bss). .usect allowsdefinitions sections independent of .bss. symbol points to the first location reserved by thisallocation. The symbol may be used as a variable name. size is the allocated size inwords. blocking_flag indicates whether to block this section on a page boundary (128words) (Section 38.2 Blocking). alignment flag indicates whether the section should belongword-aligned..var sym[,..., sym_n]Define a subsym to be a local variable within a macro. See Section 38.10 Macros..version versionSet which processor to build instructions for.541542543545545LP546LP548549Although these values are accepted, the op is ignored.38.10. MacrosMacros do not require explicit dereferencing of arguments (i.e. \ARG).During macro expansion, the macro parameters are converted to subsyms. If the number of argumentspassed the macro invocation exceeds the number of parameters defined, the last parameter is assignedthe string equivalent of all remaining arguments. If fewer arguments are given than parameters, themissing parameters are assigned empty strings. To include a comma in an argument, you must enclosethe argument in quotes.The following built-in subsym functions allow examination of the string value of subsyms (or ordinarystrings). The arguments are strings unless otherwise indicated (subsyms passed as args will be replacedby the strings they represent).$symlen(str)Returns the length of str.$symcmp(str1,str2)Returns 0 if str1 == str2, non-zero otherwise.$firstch(str,ch)Returns index of the first occurrence of character constant ch in str.