Chapter 33.125Starting runInstallerAn important point to note...If you use CDs to install the database, do not change directory (cd) to /mnt/cdrom toexecute ./runInstaller! If you do so, the installation will fail because you will not beable to change the CDs.Before you continue, make sure you have set the Oracle environment variables in Section 32.3,“Setting Oracle Environment Variables”.Oracle no longer supports a character mode installer. Therefore, in order to execute runInstallerdirectly from a console of a machine you are logged into you need to set the DISPLAY environmentvariable. In the example the name of the node where Oracle is running is called "oracleserver".First, make sure that you also allow runInstaller on "oracleserver" to display X informationon your Linux desktop machine. In the example, the computer name where you are running an XWindows desktop like KDE or GNOME is called "yourdesktop". Programs running on remotemachines cannot display information to your screen unless you give them the authority to do so.Before you execute runInstaller, execute xterm (or another terminal client of your choice) to seeif your X setup is really working. If you are about to install Oracle on your desktop PC and not on aremote node, then you can skip step 1 and 3.Step 1: Allow "oracleserver" to display X information to your desktop PC "yourdesktop":yourdesktop:user$ xhost +oracleserverStep 2: Open a new window and log in to the Oracle server "oracleserver" as the root user. Thiswindow will be used to mount and unmounting the Oracle CDs.oracleserver:$ su - rootoracleserver:root# mount /mnt/cdromStep 3: From the console of your Oracle server "oracleserver" where you will run runInstaller,execute the following commands:oracleserver:$ su - oracleoracleserver:oracle$ export DISPLAY=yourdesktop:0.0Step 4: Now you can execute runInstaller as "oracle" as shown in the next chapters. It isimportant that you do not change directory (cd) to /mnt/cdrom.oracleserver:oracle$ /mnt/cdrom/runInstaller