Chapter 2. Red Hat Update Agent 336. pkgSkipList [’kernel*’]7. storageDir /var/spool/up2date8. adminAddress [’root@localhost’]9. noBootLoader No10. serverURL fileSkipList []12. sslCACert /usr/share/rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT13. noReplaceConfig Yes14. useNoSSLForPackage No15. systemIdPath /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid16. enableProxyAuth No17. retrieveSource No18. versionOverride19. headerFetchCount 1020. networkRetries 521. enableProxy No22. proxyPassword23. noSSLServerURL keepAfterInstall No25. proxyUser26. removeSkipList [’kernel*’]27. useGPG Yes28. gpgKeyRing /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date-keyring.gpg29. httpProxy30. headerCacheSize 4031. forceInstall NoEnter number of item to edit return to exit, q to quit without saving :Enter the number of the item that you want to modify and enter a new value for the option. When youfinish changing your configuration, press [Enter] to save your changes and exit. Press [q] and then[Enter] to quit without saving your changes.ImportantAlthough this isn’t configurable, users should still make note that the port used by the Red Hat UpdateAgent is 443 for SSL (HTTPS) and 80 for non-SSL (HTTP). By default, up2date uses SSL only. Forthis reason, users should ensure their firewalls allow connections over port 443. To bypass SSL, in/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date change the protocol for serverURL from https to http.2.5. Registering with Activation KeysIn addition, to the standard Red Hat Update Agent interface, up2date offers a utility aimed at batchprocessing the registration of systems: Activation Keys. Each unique key can be used to register RedHat Linux systems, entitle them to an RHN service level, and subscribe them to specific channels andsystem groups, all in one action.Thus, channel and group subscriptions can be automated along with registration, thereby bypassingentitlement and registration through either the Red Hat Network Registration Client or the Red HatUpdate Agent, both of which offer the Activation Keys utility rhnreg_ks as part of their packages.