12 Chapter 4. Custom Channel and Package Management4.3. Managed Software Channel DetailsVirtually all custom channel management tasks are carried out within the Managed Software Chan-nel Details page, accessed by clicking Manage Software Channels in the left navigation bar andthen the name of channel to be altered. This page consists of two primary tabs: Details and Packages.• Details — Provides basic information about the channel, such as its parent channel, name, sum-mary, and description. Some of this information is modifiable. In addition, a Globally Subscribablecheckbox can be seen by Organization Administrators and Channel Administrators. This signifiesthe default behavior of every channel allowing any user to subscribe systems to it. Unchecking thisbox and clicking Update Channel causes the appearance of a Subscribers tab, which may then beused to grant certain users subscription permissions to the channel.• Subscribers — Lists users who have subscription permissions to the custom channel. This tabappears on two conditions: First, the logged in user must be an Organization Administrator or aChannel Administrator. Second, the Globally Subscribable checkbox on the Details tab must beunchecked, thereby making the channel subscribable by user. On this tab, select the checkboxesof the users to be allowed to subscribe systems to this channel and click Update. Note that Orga-nization Administrators and Channel Administrators automatically have subscription access to allchannels.• Managers — Lists users who have management permissions to the custom channel. This tab ap-pears for Organization Administrators and Channel Administrators. Select the checkboxes of theusers to be allowed full administration of this channel and click Update. This status does not enablethe user to create new channels. Note that Organization Administrators and Channel Administratorsautomatically have management access to all channels.• Errata — Provides the Errata associated with each of your custom channels. This tab containssubtabs that allow you to view, add, remove, and clone Errata: List/Remove, Add and Clone. Notethat cloning Errata can be done only via RHN Satellite Server.• List/Remove — Displays all of the Errata currently associated with the custom channel and pro-vides a means to cancel that association. To remove Errata from the channel, select their check-boxes and click Remove Errata on the bottom right-hand corner of the page. A confirmationpage appears with the Errata to be removed listed. Click Confirm to complete the action.• Add — Enables the addition of Errata to the channel. All of the Errata potentially applicable tothe channel are listed. To add Errata to the channel, select the appropriate checkboxes and clickAdd Errata. Refer to Chapter 5 Custom Errata Management for a comprehensive discussion ofErrata management.• Clone — Allows Satellite customers to replicate Errata and associated packages for a clonedchannel. This subtab immediately appears populated for channels that were cloned with eitherthe original state or select Errata option but will also gain Errata whenever one is issued for thetarget (or originating) channel. This makes it useful for channels cloned with the current stateoption, as well. Refer to Section 4.7 Cloning Software Channels for a full discussion of cloningoptions.To include Errata from the target channel in the cloned channel, select either Merge or Clonefrom each advisory’s dropdown menu. The Merge option exists only if the Erratum has beenpreviously cloned. Use it to associate the Erratum across channels and avoid duplicate entries.Use the Clone option to create a new entry, such as when modifying it from the previous clone. Bydefault, cloned Errata inherit the label of the original Red Hat advisory (ex. RHSA-2003:324)with the "RH" prefix replaced with "CL". Subsequent clones of the same advisory have theirsecond letters bumped to denote their order, such as "CM" and "CN". These labels can be alteredthrough the Managed Errata Details page. Refer to Section 5.2 Managed Errata Details forinstructions.In addition to the Merge option, previously cloned Errata contain values within the Owned Er-rata column. The Erratum label is linked to its details page. The "pub" and "mod" flags within