16 Chapter 4. Custom Channel and Package ManagementIn addition to the Merge option, previously cloned errata contain values within theOwned Errata column. The erratum label is linked to its details page. The pub andmod flags within parentheses identify whether the cloned erratum has been publishedor modified from the original advisory. A plus sign + before the flag indicates affir-mative, the cloned errata has been published. A minus sign - before the flag denotesnegative. For example, (-mod) may mean a package has been deleted. To find outmore about publishing and editing custom errata, refer to Section 5.1 Manage Errata.To exclude errata from the cloned channel, select Do Nothing from their dropdownmenus. When satisfied with the changes, click Clone Errata. Review the impendingchanges on the confirmation page and click Update Errata.• Packages — Provides the packages associated with each of your custom channels. Thistab contains subtabs that allow you to view, add, and remove packages: List/Remove,Add, and Compare.• List/Remove — Displays all of the packages currently associated with the customchannel and provides a means to cancel that association. To remove packages fromthe channel, select their checkboxes and click Remove Packages on the bottom right-hand corner of the page. A confirmation page appears with the packages to be removedlisted. Click Confirm to complete the action.ImportantThis list differs from the package list available through the standard SoftwareChannel Details page in that it displays all versions of a package remaining in thedatabase, rather than just the latest. You may revert to a previous version of apackage simply by removing the latest version.• Add — Enables the addition of packages to the channel. To see available packages,select an option from the View dropdown menu and click View. To add packages tothe channel you are editing, select the appropriate checkboxes and click Add Pack-ages. Refer to Section 4.6 Assigning Packages to Software Channels for a discussionof this process.• Compare — Enables the comparison of package lists between different channels. Tosee the differences, select another channel from the Compare to: dropdown menu andclick Compare. A list appears showing all packages not contained by both channelsand indicating the existing channel location of each.