36 Chapter 7. Implementing Kickstartreboot# Define a standard set of packages. Note: Red Hat Network client# packages are found in Base. This is quite a minimal set of packages;# your mileage may vary.%packages@ Base@ Utilities@ GNOME@ Laptop Support@ Dialup Support@ Software Development@ Graphics and Image Manipulation@ Games and Entertainment@ Sound and Multimedia Support# Now for the interesting part.%post( # Note that we run the entire %post section as a subshell for logging.# Remember that nifty one-line command for the bootstrap script that we# went through? This is an ideal place for it. And assuming that the# script has been properly configured, it should prepare the system# fully for usage of local Red Hat Network Servers.wget -O- http://proxy-or-sat.example.com/pub/bootstrap_script | /bin/bash# The following is an example of the usage of rhnreg_ks, the kickstart# utility for rhn_register. This demonstrates the usage of the# --activationkey flag, which describes an activation key. For example,# this activation key could be set up in the Web interface to join this# system to the "Laptops" group and the local Widgetco "Laptop Software"# channel. Note that this section applies only to Proxy users, as this# step is handled by the Satellite bootstrap script.## For more information about activation keys, consult the Red Hat Network# Management Reference Guide./usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --activationkey=6c933ea74b9b002f3ac7eb99619d3374# End the subshell and capture any output to a post-install log file.) 1>/root/post_install.log 2>&1