28 Chapter 5. RHN Package Manager5.2. Uploading PackagesNoteYou must be an Organization Administrator to upload packages to private RHN channels.The script will prompt you for your RHN username and password.After creating the private channel, upload the package headers for your binary and sourceRPMs to the RHN Server and copy the packages to the RHN Proxy Broker Server. Toupload the package headers for the binary RPMs, at the command line:rhn_package_manager -c "label_of_private_channel" pkg-listpkg-list is the list of packages to be uploaded. Alternatively, use the -d option to specifythe local directory that contains the packages to add to the channel. Ensure the directorycontains only the packages to be included and no other files. RHN Package Manager canalso read the list of packages from standard input (using --stdin).To upload the package headers for the source RPMs:rhn_package_manager -c "label_of_private_channel" --source pkg-listIf you have more than one channel specified (using -c or --channel), the uploaded pack-age headers will be linked to all the channels listed.NoteIf a channel name is not specified, the packages are not added to any channel. Thepackages can then be added to a channel using the Red Hat Network Web interface. Theinterface can also be used to modify existing private channels.After uploading the packages, you can immediately check the RHN Web interface to verifytheir presence. Click Channels in the top navigation bar, Manage Software Channels inthe left navigation bar, and then the name of the custom channel. Then click the Packagessubtab. Each RPM should be listed.You can also check to see if the local directory is in sync with the RHN Server’s image ofthe channels at the command line:rhn_package_manager -s -c "label_of_private_channel"