Chapter 5.33EntitlementsThe RHN Satellite Server, like RHN itself, provides all services to customers through the settingof entitlements. For RHN, entitlements are purchased by customers as needed; however, forRHN Satellite Server, entitlements are contractually agreed-upon beforehand, and they are set atinstallation time. All public channels are automatically available; the private channels that should alsobe made available through the Satellite are determined by the RHN Entitlement Certificate.The RHN Entitlement Certificate, which contains the precise set of entitlements attributed to yourorganization, is provided by your Red Hat representative. Red Hat reserves the right to compare thecontents of that RHN Entitlement Certificate with the database's entitlement settings at any time toensure compliance with the terms of the customer's contract with Red Hat.The steps referenced in this section are typically carried out by the RHN Satellite Server InstallationProgram itself and do not need to be repeated during initial installation. Instead, they are listed herefor use by customers who have received a new RHN Entitlement Certificate, such as one reflecting anincrease in the number of entitlements.5.1. Receiving the CertificateThe RHN Entitlement Certificate is an XML document that looks something like this: version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> version="0.1"> name="product">RHN-SATELLITE-001 name="owner">Clay's Precious Satellite name="issued">2005-01-11 00:00:00 name="expires">2005-03-11 00:00:00 name="slots">30 name="provisioning-slots">30 name="nonlinux-slots">30 name="channel-families" quantity="10" family="rhel-cluster"/> name="channel-families" quantity="30" family="rhel-ws-extras"/> name="channel-families" quantity="10" family="rhel-gfs"/> name="channel-families" quantity="10" family="rhel-es-extras"/> name="channel-families" quantity="40" family="rhel-as"/> name="channel-families" quantity="30" family="rhn-tools"/> name="satellite-version">3.6 name="generation">2-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: Crypt::OpenPGP 1.03iQBGBAARAwAGBQJCAG7yAAoJEJ5yna8GlHkysOkAn07qmlUrkGKs7/5yb8H/nboGmhHkAJ9wdmqOeKfcBa3IUDL53oNMEBP/dg==